Welcome to UK Jelly

A WARM WELCOME to the UK Jelly website – where you can find out more about the co-working phenomenon that is Jelly, find out where your nearest Jelly event is, or get going with our ‘starter pack’ to create your own Jelly.

Our aim – to bring home workers, freelancers, small business owners and entrepreneurs together in a relaxed, informal, working environment to maximise creativity and minimise the isolation that being your own boss can bring!

Want to join other home workers, freelancers, small business owners and entrepreneurs together in a relaxed, informal, working environment. Find a Jelly group near you.

No local Jelly group near where you live, how about starting up your own Jelly group.

Latest Jelly News

Landscape Wall Art In Your Office Can Make Your Staff Happier And More Productive (Guest Blog)

Research suggests that landscape wall art can reduce stress and improve productivity in the workplace. Unfortunately, many staff have no artwork to view in their workplace. For 35 years I worked in … [Read More...]

How Workspace Design Can Impact Employee Well-Being (Guest Blog)

Considering that employees spend anywhere from 6 to 10 hours at their place of work, it is crucial for their working conditions and atmosphere to be adequate. Sitting in uncomfortable chairs and … [Read More...]

How to implement correct Ergonomics in a shared workspace – Guest Post

Shared workspaces, or otherwise known as collaborative workspaces, are spaces that are shared by multiple people for different purposes. Shared workspaces are perfect for companies that don’t need a … [Read More...]

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